welcome autumn

{photo credit: wally eberhart/botanica/getty images}
Listen! the wind is rising, and
the air is wild with leaves,
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves!
~humbert wolfe
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my tiny studio seriously needed some major ORGANIZATION! i had stuff overflowing EVERYWHERE! it was not pretty folks! so my dh surprised me yesterday while i was napping & this is a wicked huge storage unit he built & installed! this is our cat, bailey, inspecting the newly constructed storage unit. it is about 9 feet by 9 feet…just added more square footage to my disasterously overflowing studio… i spent pretty much all evening organizing my junk!

my studio looks tidier & roomier…all thanks to my dh. he totally rocks!!!!!! gosh, i so love that man! Posted by Picasa

balanced sovereignty

refers to the third chakra in the book
i am collectively reading with melba & others: true balance {by dr. sonia choquette}…
this chakra is located in our solar plexus, the center of our personal expression of power…& fittingly the color that corresponds with the 3rd chakra is yellow. i liked how the author made the analogy to being “the captain of your own ship“>>>how you determine the course of your life through your thoughts, beliefs & CHOICES. i wrote something along these lines here>>> it had to do with living authentically

in the past,

i would often place other people’s needs & wants before my own…
i found it very hard to say “no” to people…i really did not want to displease others, even at my own expense. but, especially after i met my husband, i am learning to say “no” & not having to be apologetic about it… to say it firmly & sincerely. people would say that i was “too nice” but yet some of these same people expected me to be “too nice” & like to take advantage of my kindness & good nature. it has been a learning process for me to stand true to myself, to respect that i have limitations & that i can’t do it all. i have to acknowledge that i am only one person who can only do so much & also be willing to seek assistance from a HIGHER POWER>>>the UNIVERSE

i struggle with this as there is still a part of me that wishes to make people happy & keep the peace…but i have to honor myself, both my strengths & weaknesses…to eliminate those forces that attempt to tip the scale of my inner balance…

& for mixed media memoirs this week, the topic is>>>

i have my own ways, i do not conform,
no one owns me, i
lead my own leisurely life.
chinese couplet Posted by Picasa