mac attack

lately, i’ve become obsessed with all things macarons…  i am determined to learn how to make them…correctly & successfully 🙂  have been scouring the internet for the 411 on these delectably sweet french confections.  you might say that i’ve gotten “a big mac attack” wicked bad.  a week ago, i ordered a sampler box from… i received my goodies the other day, but was  disheartened to find that pretty much all my macarons were damaged…there were crumbs everywhere!  yes, i have contacted the company & told them all about it, even sent pix like this one: 

to express my disappointment and dissatisfaction.  i have not heard a response from them, suppose i never will.  but companies need to be told when their products arrive damaged & not as described…   and above all, how all  that simply is not acceptable… yadda yadda…

oh well, instead of getting my knickers all bunched up in a twist, i decided to make lemonade, so to speak.   i took what macarons i could salvage from the “wreckage” and set up a little still life that i could sketch and paint.  don’t get me wrong, the damaged macarons were still delicious.  heck, they should be!!!  omg,  after paying a premium for these rather high-priced french cookies, one tends to expect nothing but the best!  so, long story short, this is precisely why i want to learn how to make my own macarons… so i will never have to be crushed by, well, crushed  (& overpiced) macacrons again! 🙂

i guess the moral of my lil tale here: when the cookie crumbles, go ahead & enjoy the crumbs 🙂

5 Responses

  1. Love your art. I know you will master the making of beautiful and tasty macaroons.

  2. I had my very first macaroon today at our local cupcake shop and it was mmm mmm good! It was strawberry and super sweet! I can see your temptation to have a mac attack – I almost bought a macaroon recipe book at TJ Maxx tonight! I love your drawing, too! Happy Easter!

  3. yes, swaps are fun & lovely goodies you received from your partner! hey, thanks for visiting my blog & for friending me on fb! & yes, macarons are one of my sweet favs at the moment 🙂 happy easter to you too!! 🙂 mary ann

  4. omg, reya!!!!!!!!!!!! where have i been…oh yea….i’ve been dealing with chaos for the last year…what a beautiful post….i LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your painting of the crumbled macs…the tea cup+spoon and how the macs are arranged in that unique way…the colours are magnificent! Your art is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!! the photo and your painting is absolutely beautiful!!! do you think you have any postcards/cards of your art or photograph to share w/ lil’ ol’ me????? you’re such an inspiration!!! i haven’t been able to create any art or practice drawing bec. of the hell that i’ve been going through but this post has really inspired me…maybe after i cart the munchkins around town…and i have a few minutes, i’ll grab my sketchbook and draw something…ps…that was really nice customer service from…can’t wait to see you for our much needed mini…are you sure your sweet friends will be alright about 3 extra vagabonds…i hope we won’t be imposing…but a different scenery maybe just what the doctor ordered…let me know, reya!!! love you…HIT…say N-O to drugs!!!!!!!! lub ya to pieces…logi xoxoxoxoxo

  5. ps….where did you get the drafting board? been looking for something like that and would love to get one for myself…xoxo

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