salvaged sunday

all was not a total loss this weekend>>>my sis, mom, chitlins & i ventured out for some fun shopping & then exploring…& not too mention fun halloween cookie baking & decorating…i’m so glad that we made the best of our visit & weekend despite yesterday’s fiasco at sweet street! the kids wanted to see that silo with the pumpkin head that i had posted a couple days ago…we took a country drive to the farm & had fun checking it out…
then after dinner, we all got into the halloween spirit and baked/decorated our little hearts out!
my nephew ian, he was more of a taste-tester than worker bee (he’s the little guy with the black tongue & frosting covered mouth in pic above) …he was promptly “fired” (a la donald trump style, lol) after eating about 5 cookies…

even though yesterday’s sweet street was a bust, we managed to make our own “sweet treats“…& there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that {smile}. Posted by Picasa

never again

i hope you had a nice weekend…

i was so looking forward to taking my nieces & nephews as well as my sis looney to this event yesterday…boy, was it ever a major let-down, let me tell ya! we should have known when we had to wait in incredibly long lines the moment we got to the place!!! i mean, first there was a wicked long line just to get into the parking lot, then outside the stadium (& it was cold & rainy), and once inside, there was only ONE lady processing folks in…after that there was a ginormous line (about 100 people deep or so!) to go (indoor) trick-or-treating! it was utter CHAOS there! a kajillion kids in costumes with their parent(s) & flippin’ LINES everywhere you turned! a line to the giant slide thingie, a line to the jumping place, a line to the miniature golf, etc…& folks were pushin’ & shovin’, the noise level, i’m sure was 10 million decibels above what’s considered the safe hearing zone! needless to say, my sis & i were NOT IMPRESSED! i felt bad that my sis & the chitlins drove all the way from chicago to come to this flop!

all week, the radio station i listen to advertised this fun indoor trick-or-treating/halloween event for kids of all ages…both my sis & i imagined that the kids would dress up & go door-to-door & get candies as well as get to do all sorts of fun & crafty things…well, WRONG-O! it was too much, overwhelming & disorganized….the wicked long lines>>>argh! we weren’t the only ones complaining…when you are standing in line for what seems like eternity, you inevitably hear all sorts of complaints from “fellow long-line victims”…commiserating in line seemed the natural sort of thing to do, you know what i mean? after all that waiting & shuffling in line, we finally get into “sweet street” (advertised as 30 “houses” of trick-or-treating) & what do we get>>>but people dressed in STREET clothes, sitting on stools w/ buckets of candy….there was NO house for the kidlets to ring the doorbell or knock on & get to say, “trick or treat, smell my feet”…oh no, there was none of that! the “houses” were actually just painted backdrops & it took all of FIVE flippin’ minutes to walk, no breeze, through the 30 people sitting on their respective as*#! what?!!!! excuse me, we waited in a freakishly long line for that b-s?!!!! what a crock! we could have gone to sam’s club & bought our own buckets of candy!!!!!

alright, rant over…as my sis looney said, shaking her head vigorously: NEVER AGAIN! & you know the saying, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade…well we made the best of it…the kids (except for the 9 yr. old niece) didn’t know any better…they liked getting the candy & seeing other chitlins’ all dressed up…

my sis & i vowed that next time, we won’t get sucked into anymore events that sound too good to be true! Posted by Picasa