
yep, that’s what i am if i am not wearing any corrective lenses {glasses or contacts}… my vision is not 20/20….far from it!!!!!!! i am as BLIND as a bat when i’m not wearing anything over my eyeballs…this is my confession for self-portrait challenge’s monthly theme: imperfection. yes, when i took this snap sans specs…
this is how life is seen through my terribly myopic eyes! wicked blurry i know! frightful, huh?
but as soon as i don my specs…
life gets a lot clearer for me! so you see, i’d rather be called “four-eyes” than be “blind as a bat”… Posted by Picasa

6 Responses

  1. I’m blind as a bat also with out my glasses. I would love to get the operation so you don’t need anymore glasses, but that FREAKS me out.

  2. You are so cute.

    Me too I am blind as a bat without any contacts.

  3. very nice…so poetically put…vision, one of the most important senses to see so much beauty in the world…xoxo looney

  4. very nice…so poetically put…vision, one of the most important senses to see so much beauty in the world…xoxo looney

  5. don’t know why it printed twice…wierd

  6. BEAUTIFUL! So, so pretty. Both you and the leaves!

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