4 the love of tags

**********ADDENDUM #2:  SWAP SIGN-UPs NOW CLOSED*******

{ADDENDUM: i just created a flickr group with an OPEN JOIN.  you can sign-up in there as well. thank you!!}

b9b9225b9da06e57c61dd010_l__aa240_inspired by this book & the quote challenge that i’m participating  here blogbanner450, as well as finding in the studio a huge box full of these tags3, i thought it would be a swell idea to host an altered tag book swap.  i’m calling it the sstbs1.

feel free to grab the above badge. that’s what it’s there for. 


here’s what i’m thinking:

1.  you will create 15 altered (shipping) tags which must contain some sweet sentiment and/or inspirational quote.  here are some pix of what i’m after: tags7


2. you must use the LARGE (approx. 2.5 in x 4.75 in) sized shipping tags, which you can either purchase at your local office supply or discount store OR you can create your own, using those handy dandy tag templates that you can find at most craft stores, such as michael’s or hobby lobby.  tags1 tags2tags4

3.  you may use any materials that are at your disposal to create your sweet creations.  please make sure you create something that will not only contain some sweet sentiment or inspirational quote, but it is also a feast for the eyes [translation: pretty them up, lol!].  use materials that inspire you & make your heart sing with joy.  your tags can be stamped on, painted, stitched on with fabric scraps, embroidered & even quilted if you would like.  just make sure they are made with care & love.  the sky really  is the limit in how you want to decorate and alter your tags.  tags5

tags6 if you are like me & have tons of bits & bobs of pretty scraps & things, then what a perfect way to utilize them but in this altered tag book swap of mine!  not only is it a great way to detash, but also so eco-friendly too!   🙂

4. if you are interested, please leave me your name & contact info (full name, mailing address & email)  to follow_your_bliss07@hotmail.com.  this is open to both us &  international peeps as well.

5. sign-ups for this swap will run from now until april 3rd.  the max participant list is 45. 

6.  once sign-ups end, i will divide the participant lists into 3 groups of 15.  these will be how i will divvy up the 45 sets of tags.  in the event the swap list is lower than 45, then i will make up the difference by making the extra number of tags.  it’s not a problem for me as i have a small warehouse of these shipping tags, hehehe.

7.  please mail your sweetly altered tags, plus nominal shipping $ ($3 usd for us players & $5 usd for international players) to me by jun 1st.  that is more than ample time to get your tag project completed!  once i get the tags, then they will be divvy’d up, bound & shipped back to you.  

8.  a sweetheart of a deal if you asked me.  all your time & effort will be well worth it once you are in receipt of your completed altered tag book.  imagine having a darling little tag book to refer to over & over again, especially when you might need a little pick-me-up.  sweet! 🙂

at some point, i will likely create a flickr group so that swappers can share their wonderful tag creations & where we can all collectively ooh & ahh.  who knows, i might even create a slideshow.  so stay tuned. 

{ADDENDUM: i just created a flickr group with an OPEN JOIN.  you can sign-up in there as well. thank you!!}

any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to voice them. i’d love to hear your thoughts.  

okay, time for me to get ready for school.  hope your week starts off on a sweet note!

happy monday! xo mary ann     pwavatar

9 Responses

  1. What a fun idea Mary Ann.

  2. I love your tag art! It’s gorgeous! And I am excited to have you in the Springtime Swap, it’s the first one I’ve ever done.

    I would love to enter yours, but I am sooo busy right now right through to the start of May (I am in the middle of starting my own Etsy store), but do you host swaps often? I would love to participate in one in the future! Keep me posted!

  3. I would like to join this swap, I will email you my information. Thank you.

  4. Those tags are cute. I would love to sign in too.
    I´ll send you my informations and questions about international swapper. I´m from Germany.

  5. I would love to join your tag swap! Thank you for hosting. You have a LoVelY blog. 😀

  6. who doesn’t love tags…i adore tags, labels, packaging materials, you name it…what a pretty+sweet idea, reya! would love to play too, please sign me up-i also signed up in your flickr group too…(um, i think you might have all my info…righhhhht?!!! lol?!) loon 😉

  7. I would love to join your tag swap!

  8. It’s the first time I comment here and I should say that you give genuine, and quality information for other bloggers! Great job.
    p.s. You have an awesome template for your blog. Where did you find it?

  9. hello, I have been thinking about this swap for a bit now, I am relatively new to scrapbooking and this whole swap thing, but I am keen so please sign me up for this! I am heading to your e-mail address now, cheers, Shiree

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